Argentina - this is how we see you
The awarded photograph is Penguins Party by @christian.clauwers, Belgian photographer specialized in polar and oceanographic photography. Christian is also an explorer, speaker and writer, and he is committed to the environment. It is through his photgraphs and many expositions and conferences that he warns us about climate change and how it dramatically impacts on our planet. Congrats, Christian, we are waiting for you in Buenos Aires soon!!!

Visiting Puratos
Today, together with the ambassador, we visited @puratos_arg company which has run in Argentina since 1979. Puratos is a Belgian family community that produces and distributes bakery, pastry and chocolate products all around the world. It has existed for over 100 years and currently operates in more than 100 countries, it usually has its own subsidiary and factory. Greeted by the management team, we were shown the latest investments in Talar de Pacheco plant and store. Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay Puratos have more than 120 employees and have been exponentially growing for over 3 years.

BLCC Openness
At Belgian Ambassador’s residence, we are entering a new stage of development in the long life of the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Argentina. This institution, which has existed since 1917, has the objective of supporting business development of Argentinian companies that are related to Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It intends to be a social platform that encourages idea and experience exchanges. Finally, after more than two years, we could meet again and introduce the new board members. We were honoured by the presence of Belgian Ambassador Karl Dhaene, Embassy Minister Francis Sobry, Belgian-Luxembourg authorities and existing as well as new chamber members. We are going to create BLCC history with this same energy.